I am Lรฉo Bernard, also known as Yolwoocle, a computer science student from France. I love making games just as much as birds love throwing objects off desks.
I enjoy cozy coding environments and I especially like game engines like
PICO-8. You might know me for making
Birds With Guns!
Please feel free to contact me for any reason, be to talk about my games or just saying that you
had a really nice cookie this morning. You can be certain that I will read your message,
however don't worry if I don't answer, which might happen since I am very busy.
On my Github, you can find the source code for
my projects. If you want to reuse part of my stuff in your non-commercial projects, do not hesitate to
do so. If your project is commercial, please email me first. I will probably say yes!
Please note that I am >>>NOT<<< interested in crypto/NFT/blockchain technology.